Average American Electricity Consumption

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Electricity consumption depends on a number of factors, including square-footage, household size, and appliances used. We break down these influences below.

Summary: American Household Consumption of Energy

Average Yearly Energy Use (Electricity & Gas) based on Square Footage, in Kilowatt-Hours
Total Square Footage Space Heating Water Heating Air Conditioning Refrigerators
Fewer than 500 7,105 2,262 638 812
500 to 900 7,279 3,074 986 986
1,000 to 1,499 8,352 3,973 1,635 1,102
1,500 to 1,999 10,382 4,727 2,146 1,247
2,000 to 2,499 12,760 5,075 2,291 1,363

Source: EIA.gov
Note: Numbers are approximate and based on the United States as a whole. Figures can vary based on family size and region.

Did you know...
On average, 35% of Americans use electricity to heat their homes.

American Electricity Consumption

The household consumption of electricity depends on a variety of factors, including;

  • Household Square-Footage
  • Year of home construction
  • Insulation type and quality
  • Appliances used
  • Energy efficiency
  • Time and duration of energy usage
  • Climate Region

The graph below represents the average American household's expenditure of electricity, divided by usage type. The largest expenduiture is space cooling followed by lighting, and water heating.


Find out and compare with the electricity consumption in France.

Regional and Family Size Changes in Energy Usage

The below chart depicts fluctuations in energy usage based on region and family size.

Average Annual Household Energy Use by Region & Household Size (in kWh)
Census Region Space Heating Water Heating Air Conditioning Refrigerators
Northeast 17,467 5,187 674 1,142
Midwest 17,056 5,480 879 1,436
South 6,476 3,956 3,165 1,318
West 8,118 4,659 1,817 1,172
Number of Household Members        
1 person 10,198 3,135 1,406 1,025
2 persons 11,840 4,601 2,022 1,318
3 persons 11,840 5,128 2,198 1,318
4 persons 11,869 2,835 2,374 1,377
5 persons 11,752 6,447 2,374 1,348
6 or more persons 11,048 7,004 2,432 1,377

Source: EIA.gov

Note: Numbers are approximate and based on the United States as a whole. Figures can vary based on family size and region.