National Fuel in New York State

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3 min reading

National Fuel is a natural gas utility serving parts of New York and Pennsylvania, including the Buffalo Metro Area.

Contact Information

You can reach National Fuel customer service in New York at:

Location Phone Number Hours
Calling from Buffalo 1-716-686-6123 Mon-Fri: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
From Outside Buffalo 1-800-365-3234 Mon-Fri: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Emergency Contact Number

If you are experiencing a natural gas emergency, leave your home immediately and get to a safe place, before calling National Fuel at 1-800-444-3130.

Call Before you Dig

If digging in New York's National Fuel service territory, be sure to call 811 before you dig.

Service Territory

National Fuel serves over 732,000 natural gas customers in New York and Pennsylvania. Some of the major metro areas served by National Fuel in New York state include:

  • Buffalo
  • Jamestown
  • Niagara Falls

Bill Pay

You can ask questions about your National Fuel gas bill by calling 1-716-686-6123 (within Buffalo) or 1-800-365-3234 (outside of Buffalo), from Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM.

If you'd like to pay in person, National Fuel has a number of payment locations. You can also pay your bill online on National Fuel's website.

Rates & Tariffs with National Fuel

Natural gas rates are normally determined by the price of gas per therm, or MCF's. National Fuel measures your natural gas by MCFs. 1 MCF is equivalent to roughly the amount of energy needed to heat 1,000 cubic feet of space, or the amount needed to meet a home's natural gas needs for four days.

Variable Rates - Supply and Delivery Charges

National Fuel offers variable natural gas rates, in a stepped function each month. Natural gas rates normally change each month based on market factors, like the cost of gas delivery and production. As your local utility, National Fuel will normally take care of both your natural gas delivery and supply. Delivery costs include the cost of getting natural gas to your home from production, as well as costs to maintain and build new delivery infrastructure. Supply costs are based on the actual amount of natural gas you consume each month, and a utility's administrative and customer service charges.

Understanding Your Bill - Rate Division

For December 2014 for Residential Sales Service (SC-1), National Fuel divided up charges based on use. All the natural gas used by a home below 0.4 Mcf is charged under the highest rate. Next, usage between 0.5 Mcf and 5 Mcf is charged at a moderate rate. All consumption above 5 Mcf per month is charged at the lowest rate.

December's charges with National Fuel include:

  • Delivery
  • Supply
  • Rate Adjustments (credit, or charge)
  • Temporary State Assessment Surcharge - Collected by NY State to assess conservation

Each of these charges changes depending how much of your monthly consumption is:

  • Below 0.4 Mcf
  • Between 0.5 Mcf and 5 Mcf
  • Above 5 Mcf

For example, if you use 4.7 Mcf per month, all of your use below 0.4 Mcf will be charged at the highest rate, and your use between 0.5 and 4.7 will be charged at the moderate rate.

National Fuel checks your meter reading every other month. They charge you based on historic use rates for the same month during the year before, and the next month they will either credit you or charge you extra, based on the difference between your estimated and actual use.

Signing Up for Service with National Fuel

If you are new to National Fuel's service territory, be sure to call at least one week before moving in to set up service in your new home. If your new home already has pipeline service, National Fuel will need to make an appointment to turn on service during business hours. Your new account can usually be created over the phone.

Normally, no deposit is required to open a new account, unless you will be living in your new home for a short period of time.

If your new home does not already have pipeline service, a National Fuel employee will need to come to your home in order to assess the costs and time needed to install new service. If there are any installation costs, you will need to pay National Fuel before your service can begin.

Ending your Natural Gas Service

You will need to call one week before your move out date to turn off natural gas service at your home. You can also transfer your service to a new home in National Fuel service territory during the same phone call.

Budget Plan

A budget plan is a method for the customers to spread out their bill equally over the year, in order to avoid irregular monthly bills, mostly caused by market and seasonal variations. To sign up, and for additional information, please visit our National Fuel Budget Plan page.