Report a power outage and get a power outage update in Texas

Extreme and/or unseasonal weather can threaten the delivery of power to your home. While in most cases your retail electric provider is your first point of contact for your electricity concerns, it is your Transmission and Distribution Utility (TDU) that is responsible for responding to power outages and electricity-related emergencies. Nearly all TDUs have a 24/7 power outage phone number available and most have their own power outage map which includes the number of customers affected, repair updates, and estimated time the outage will last. Continue reading to find your TDU's contact information, and what to do if you don't know which one to call.
Does it matter which power grid I am on?
The short answer: Nope.
If your lights suddenly go off and the electrical hum goes silent, it is extremely unlikely that the power outage is stemming from the electricity grid itself. In nearly all cases, an outage will come from a blown transformer, power poles knocked over, or power lines snapped by tree limbs. However, in the smallest possibility that a power grid faces issues, knowing which grid you are on may come in handy.
Texas power grids
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) service area, which cover most of Texas, is dominated by five deregulated (energy retail) transmission and distribution utility companies (TDUs). The remaining Texas areas that are not on the ERCOT grid are covered by three other national grids (below) which are regulated and not open to retail competition.
The non-ERCOT grids in Texas include (in order of largest to smallest coverage) the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC).
- SPP area covers the majority of the Texas panhandle (Lubbock, Amarillo, Canyon, Dumas, Pampa, Hereford, and Panhandle) and the northeast/upper east corner of Texas (cities of Texarkana, Henderson, Marshall, Jefferson, Pittsburg, Boston, Carthage, and Center)
- The MISO service area covers a segment of east-central Texas, just bordering north of Harris County, and powers Beaumont, Tyler, Huntsville, Jasper, Conroe, Bryan, Madisonville, Livingston, Woodville, and surrounding communities.
- The grid with the smallest coverage in Texas, the WECC, has the western tip of Texas. WECC services all of El Paso County and Hudspeth County and portions of Culberson, Jeff Davis, and Presidio Counties. The major cities in this area include El Paso and Sierra Blanca.
How do I locate the utility company for my area?
Regardless of location and service area, you should always communicate a power outage with your utility company, not your electric provider. There are a few places to turn to when you need to find out which TDU services your area and exact location.
The monthly electric bill sent by your electric provider (in deregulated zones)
A surefire way to know which utility company works directly with your retail electric provider is to check out your monthly billing statement. Considering every electricity provider charges their customers the utility company's fees and energy rate charges, the energy distributor charging those tariffs is most likely listed (by your electric provider) on that same bill.
If you have read this far ... ... that means either you haven't received a bill yet, misplaced it, or tossed it.
Whatever the case, there are a couple other ways (below) to figure out which utility company services your address!
Find your utility company by location
Even though this is more of an estimation, using a general location tends to be the fastest way to understand which utility company services an exact address. Below are the Texas power grids, their coverage areas with larger cities, and the utility company outage information for each.
Power grid | Texas zone | Included cities | Utility Company (TDU) | Power Outage contact | Power Outage Map |
ERCOT | North Central & South Central | Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Waco | Oncor Electric Delivery | 1-888-313-4747 | Oncor Outage Map |
Lewisville, Princeton, Gatesville, Pilot Point | Texas-New Mexico Power (TNMP) | 1-888-866-7456 | TNMP Outage Map | ||
Austin | Austin Energy | 1-512-322-9100 | Austin Energy Outage Map | ||
San Antonio | City Public Services (CPS) Energy | 1-210-353-4357 | CPS Outage Map | ||
South | Brownsville, Laredo | AEP Texas | 1-866-223-8508 | AEP Texas Outage Map | |
Gulf Coast | Houston, Katy, Galveston | CenterPoint Energy | 1-800-332-7143 | CenterPoint Outage Map | |
Corpus Christi, Aransas Pass, Rockport, Victoria | AEP Texas | 1-866-223-8508 | AEP Texas Outage Map | ||
League City, Texas City, Friendswood, Angleton | Texas-New Mexico Power (TNMP) | 1-888-866-7456 | TNMP Outage Map | ||
West | Midland, Odessa, Big Spring | Oncor Electric Delivery | 1-888-313-4747 | Oncor Outage Map | |
Abilene, San Angelo, Del Rio | AEP Texas | 1-866-223-8508 | AEP Texas Outage Map | ||
Fort Stockton, Sanderson, Pecos | Texas-New Mexico Power (TNMP) | 1-888-866-7456 | TNMP Outage Map | ||
SPP | Texas panhandle | Amarillo, Pampa, Canyon, Dumas | Xcel Energy | 1-800-895-1999 | Xcel Energy Outage Map |
Lubbock | Lubbock Power & Light | 1-806-775-2509 | Lubbock Power & Light Outage Map | ||
Memphis, Wellington, Shamrock, Clarendon | Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) | 1-888-218-3919 | SWEPCO Outage Map | ||
Far east | Texarkana, Longview, Marshall, Center | Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) | 1-888-218-3919 | SWEPCO Outage Map | |
MISO | East central | Beaumont, The Woodlands, Huntsville, Port Arthur | Entergy Texas | 1-800-968-8243 | Entergy Outage Map |
WECC | Furthest west of Texas | El Paso, Sierra Blanca, Van Horn | El Paso Electric Co. | 1-915-877-3400 | El Paso Electric Co. Outage Map |
Find your utility company using your electricity meter's ESID number
If you have a meter already installed and have access to it, try to find the ESI ID (sometimes called the ESID) number. This is a unique X-digit number assigned to each meter by the utility company for the area..
ESID / ESI ID format The ESI ID is only numeric (no letters are included) and is found on the front face of the meter. The ESI ID may range anywhere from 17 to 22 digits in length and includes an identification code for each utility company.
The utility company (TDU) code consists of five numbers (digits places 3 to 7). The first two digits will be a "10" followed by the five digit TDU identity code. [For example: 100310986034669210].
five digit number | Transmission & Distribution Utility company | 24/7 Power Outage phone number | View Outage update status |
03109 | Sharyland Utilities (now Oncor) | 1-888-313-4747 | Oncor Outage Map |
03278 | AEP TX Central (now AEP Texas) | 1-866-223-8508 | AEP Texas Outage Map |
07806 | Entergy (on MISO grid & Regulated) | 1-800-968-8243 | Entergy Outage Map |
08901 | CenterPoint | 1-800-332-7143 | CenterPoint Outage Map |
13830 | Nueces Electric | 1-800-632-9288 | Nueces Electric Outage Map |
17008 | Sharyland Utilities-McAllen (now Oncor) | 1-888-313-4747 | Oncor Outage Map |
17698 | SWEPCO (on SPP grid & Regulated) | 1-888-218-3919 | SWEPCO Outage Map |
17699 | Oncor/SESCO | 1-888-313-4747 | Oncor Outage Map |
20404 | AEP TX North (now AEP Texas) | 1-866-223-8508 | AEP Texas Outage Map |
40051 | Texas New Mexico Power (TNMP) | 1-866-223-8508 | TNMP Outage Map |
44372 | Oncor Electric Delivery | 1-888-313-4747 | Oncor Outage Map |
No meter access or can´t find your ESI ID? Use the ESID lookup!
The final alternative way to find out which utility company services your location is by using your zip code and address to look up your ESID / ESI ID and the coding information table (above).
This ESID lookup method will only work if:
- your home address has a meter installed
- a smart meter is installed
- the smart meter is registered
Should all three ifs check out, continue to the look-up tool by Utility Choice - type in your zip code and address to get your meter's ESID number. After getting your ESID number, use the embedded five digit code to discover which utility company the meter pertains to.
If the power goes out, report a power outage or check the status of an outage
Check out the contact information below for each utility company to report a power outage, or use the Outage Map to see how many other customers have reported and when the outage is estimated to be repaired.
Utility Company (TDU) | Power Outage number | Power Outage Map |
Oncor Electric Delivery | 1-888-313-4747 | Oncor Outage Map |
Xcel Energy | 1-800-895-1999 | Xcel Energy Outage Map |
CenterPoint Energy | 1-800-332-7143 | CenterPoint Outage Map |
AEP Texas | 1-866-223-8508 | AEP Texas Outage Map |
Entergy Texas | 1-800-968-8243 | Entergy Outage Map |
Texas-New Mexico Power (TNMP) | 1-888-866-7456 | TNMP Outage Map |
Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) | 1-888-218-3919 | SWEPCO Outage Map |
El Paso Electric Co. | 1-915-877-3400 | El Paso Electric Co. Outage Map |
Austin Energy | 1-512-322-9100 | Austin Energy Outage Map |
City Public Services (CPS) Energy | 1-210-353-4357 | CPS Outage Map |
Lubbock Power & Light | 1-806-775-2509 | Lubbock Power & Light Outage Map |
Reporting a power outage with Municipal and City Utilities in Texas
For customers who reside in communities under a co-op, municipal, or city utility service, please reference the list of utility companies to find the contact information and report a power outage.
Depending on the services provided by each local utility company, some services such as SMS text reporting or estimated repair times may not be available.
My power is out and my utility company does not detect any repairs needed
In the event that your power goes out, it is possible that the outage has nothing to do with the electrical infrastructure managed by your utility company or the grid's electricity generation.
If the utility company cannot detect or confirm a repair, and no other customers in the area have reported a power outage, it might mean that your electric provider (REP) has intentionally directed the utility company (TDU/TDSP) to disconnect service to your home.
A retail electric provider is not allowed to disconnect your electricity service in the following circumstances:
Previous occupant's non-payment (previous occupant no longer resides at the premise)
Non-payment of an unrelated electric service charge
Non-payment of a different electric service type or class that is not included on the customer's bill when service was initiated
Non-payment of under-billed fees over 6 months before current billing (except service theft and meter tampering cases)
Non-payment for disputed service charges (until REP/PUC determines the charges accuracy and notification is received of the decision
Estimated usage bill non-payment (unless it is part of a pre-approved meter reading program OR the TDU can't read the meter from causes outside of its control
If REP is notified on or before the disconnection notice's final due date that an energy assistance provider will cover sufficient costs and remaining debts owed have been paid or are arranged to be paid
Non-payment during an extreme weather emergency (REPs must offer, when requested by customers, a deferred payment plan for bills due throughout the emergency)
Non-payment (before the notice's disconnection date) if a Chronic Condition or Critical Condition exemption form (for yourself or a household member) has been submitted to, and established with, the REP
- Chronic or Critical Condition customer protection: 5 things to know
- It does not guarantee uninterrupted electric service.
- Electricity-dependent household members (i.e. on life-supporting devices) must have a power generator in place to ensure continuous electricity.
- The exemption assists in intentional disconnections only (primarily for payment delinquency) by giving advanced disconnection notifications and extended time to avoid a service disconnection.
- For the C.C. exemption, a deferred payment plan must be organized with your REP and the patient's attending physician must contact the REP and submit a testament to the necessity of electric service to support life.
- The C.C. exemption from disconnection (due to illness or disability) lasts for 63 days and may be applied for again after the 63 days has passed & fulfilling the deferred payment plan.
A disconnection usually happens due to payment issues or unpaid balances on prior electric bills, but these are the official grounds (as defined by the Public Utility Commission of Texas) that result in a disconnection of electric service:
Disconnection allowed WITH notice for: | Disconnection allowed WITHOUT notice for: |
Need financial assistance with paying utility bills?See what national and Texan Energy Assistance programs are available to help pay your electricity bill, the eligibility requirements, and how to apply!