Taylor Electric : Power service in Abilene, TX & surrounding area

Taylor Electric Coop, Inc. is a power distribution company in Abilene, Texas and also services surrounding communities, including: Merkel, Clyde, and Baird, Texas. Scroll (or swipe) down to check out the Taylor Electric power outage map, how to contact Taylor Electric customer service, and bill pay methods.
Taylor Electric outage : outage map and report a power outage
If your power goes off, contact Taylor Electric Coop to report a power outage and check the status of an outage.
Incident | Contact at: | Available |
Downed power line | 9-1-1, then 1-325-793-8500 |
24/7 |
Taylor Electric Coop outage map | Power outage map | 24/7 |
Report an outage | 1-325-793-8500 | 24/7 |
Check outage status | Taylor Electric Coop "Predicted" restoration time |
24/7 |
Report street light outage | 1-325-793-8500 | 24/7 |
Start service with Taylor Electric Coop, Inc.
Moving to the Abilene area and need to set up service with Taylor Electric Coop, Inc.? It’s simple. Start by filling out the Taylor Electric online form (questions? call 1-325-793-8500):
- Your exact address (apt. no., street no., street name, city/town, zipcode).
- Your personal details (name, SSN, DL no, D.O.B., contact info)
- Service start date
Moving from the Taylor Electric service area to another part of Texas? A majority of Texas residents live in deregulated electric zones where the competition between +70 electric providers enables the power to choose from electricity plans that offer 100% renewable energy, rate type options, or even annual freezes on summer rates!
Call Center opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Customer service and Taylor Electric login portal
Taylor Electric Coop has been providing service to the area for over 80 years. Residents falling within the Taylor Electric Coop service area are supplied Taylor Electric Coop electricity by default.
Taylor Electric Coop customer service : phone numbers
Taylor Electric Coop customer service is ready to assist residents! Just dial the Taylor Electric all-in-one number: 1-325-793-8500. They can help you with questions about billing, rates, or the terms of service.
Reason: | Phone number: | Hours: |
Service: Start, stop, or transfer |
1-325-793-8500 | Mon-Fri: 7:30am-5:30pm |
Residential customer service | 1-325-793-8500 | Mon-Fri: 7:30am-5:30pm |
Taylor Electric fax | 1-325-795-8120 | 24/7 |
Customer portal : Taylor Electric Coop login
Many Taylor Electric Coop customer service features are available online, through your Taylor Electric Coop login. Take advantage of the Taylor Electric Coop login, in order to:
- View, update, and manage your account information anytime, anywhere
- Use the online bill pay feature
- View current bill and billing history
- Understand household energy use
- Sign up for paperless billing
Taylor Electric : Pay bill

To pay a Taylor Electric Coop bill through the mail, send your check or money order (with your bill) to the following address (no cash payments accepted):
Taylor Electric Coop, Inc.PO Box 250
Merkel, TX
Taylor Electric Cooperative : Office locations
Taylor Electric has two office locations for customers (call before travelling to ensure location is open):
Taylor Electric Coop HQ
226 County Road 287
Merkel, TX
Taylor Electric
7966 Highway 83
Abilene, TX