Oncor Electric Delivery in Texas : About & Oncore customer service number
Oncor Electric Delivery, often just referred to as Oncor, is a Texas investor-owned electricity utility company based in Dallas, Texas. Oncor, which is sometimes mistaken for EnCore Energy (not currently operating in Texas), is one of the big five Transmission & Distribution Utility (TDU) companies operating in Texas on the deregulated ERCOT grid. Oncor works with over 70 different retail electric providers (REPs) to power Texan homes and businesses. The Oncor customer service number is available to assist consumers with power outages or project development, and have a specific Oncor phone number for each type of customer service enquiry. New residents moving into an Oncor service area will likely not need to contact Oncor to start electricity service.
Oncor Electric Delivery : Customer service area

Oncor has 7.5 million consumers, making it the largest utility company in Texas. Texas energy regulation restricts Oncor's operation to the transmission and distribution aspect of electricity service only. Oncor is not permitted to hold any electricity generation facilities or provide retail electricity services to customers.
With Oncor Electric Delivery strictly as a Transmission & Distribution Utility company (TDU) their role in the energy market is provide and maintain the electrical infrastructure in their service area. Oncor oversees such equipment like street lights, power lines, transformers, and electicity meters.
In the event of an outage, TDUs are more than likely the ones to contact since they are responsible for servicing the area's power lines and making any needed repairs. The only time a TDU may not be liable for power-loss is if electricity has been disconnected intentionally due to late payments by customers or delinquency.
When electricity is disconnected as a result of billing or payment, the chosen retail electric provider (REP) is the company to contact. REPs function as an intermediary between customers and the utility companies - just as retail stores are with factories. While working with all TDUs, REPs resell energy in competitive plans directly to consumers.
Have everything installed and need to set up service? If you live in an Oncor Electric Delivery service area and already have all the electrical equipment installed, the process for activating electricity service must be done through a retail electric provider (REP). Give us a call at CallMePower (Selectra) and we can help you out!
Call Center opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Oncor Electric Delivery customer service number
There are several ways to contact Oncor Electric, whether it is by phone, email or online request. Some of the most common reasons to contact Oncor Electric Delivery are listed below for a quick reference.
Reason | Telephone number | Availability |
Customer service - questions | 1-888-875-6279 | M-F, 7AM to 7PM Central |
Report an outage | 1-888-313-4747 | 24/7 |
Downed powerline | 911 | 24/7 |
New construction project | 1-888-222-8045 | M-F, 8AM to 6PM Central |
When should I contact Oncor customer service? Check out the complete list of services Oncor provides and the contact information for each.
Oncor Electric Delivery customer power outage map
Access the Oncor Power Outage Map to see if your neighborhood may be affected. Customers may also search for a power outage by zip code or county and see how many customers are affected by an area outage along with an estimated restoration date/time.
Oncor Electric customer service updates power outage information on the online map every 10 minutes but may experience delays in refreshing information during high-traffic times. There are various other features available on the Oncor Electric Delivery power outage map, besides seeing the area where an outage event is occurring.
Get status alerts from Oncor Report and get status alerts by signing up for My Oncor Alerts and if you have signed up for My Oncor Alerts, text OUT to 66267 (ONCOR)
Oncor Electric Delivery customer service map & customer service area by county
The area covered by Oncor (in green) spans throughout Big Bend Country and the Panhandle Plains, but is especially concentrated in the Prairies & Lakes region:

Oncor customer service area streches almost entirely across The Lone Star State. Power lines run entirely from east to west Texas but span from Wichita Falls in the north to just south of Austin (but not including the Texas capital). Listed below are the Texan counties included in the Oncor service area.
Anderson | Freestone | Navarro |
Andrews | Gaines | Nolan |
Angelina | Glasscock | Palo Pinto |
Archer | Grayson | Parker |
Bastrop | Henderson | Pecos |
Baylor | Hill | Rains |
Bell | Hood | Reagan |
Borden | Hopkins | Red River |
Bosque | Houston | Reeves |
Brown | Howard | Rockwall |
Burnet | Hunt | Rusk |
Cherokee | Irion * | San Saba * |
Clay | Jack | Scurry |
Coke | Johnson | Shackelford |
Coleman | Kaufman | Smith |
Collin | Kent | Stephens |
Comanche | Lamar | Sterling |
Concho * | Lampasas | Tarrant |
Cooke | Leon | Terry |
Coryell | Limestone | Tom Green |
Crane | Loving | Travis |
Culberson | Lynn | Trinity |
Dallas | Martin | Upton |
Dawson | Mason * | Van Zandt |
Delta | McCulloch * | Ward |
Denton | McLennan | Wichita |
Eastland | Menard * | Wilbarger |
Ector | Midland | Williamson |
Ellis | Milam | Winkler |
Erath | Mills * | Wise |
Falls | Mitchell | Wood |
Fannin | Montague | Young |
Fisher | Nacogdoches |
Oncor Dallas and other customer service areas
The three largest Texan cities receiving power produced by Oncor are Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington.
Oncor, like other major electric utility companies, works with over 70 retail electric providers (REPs) to connect service to more than 10 million Texans across the east, west, and north-central parts of the state. Out of all the available retail electric providers, some of the biggest REPs working with Oncor Electric Delivery include:
Retail Electric Provider | REP's customer login |
TXU Energy | TXU login |
Ambit Energy | Ambit Energy login |
Gexa Energy | Gexa Energy login |
Reliant Energy | Reliant login |
4Change Energy | 4Change Energy login |
Bulb | Bulb login |
Direct Energy | Direct Energy login |
Constellation Energy | Constellation Energy login |
Cirro Energy | Cirro Energy login |
Just Energy | Just Energy login |
Oncor Electric Delivery customer rates & tariffs
Charges for electricity delivery are regulated by the Texas Public Utilities Commission, and do not change very often (once or twice a year at most). Electricity prices, however, depend on demand and available supply, and can change regularly. For historical electricity rates, contact your REP.
For information about Oncor Electric Delivery supply charges, delivery charges, various rates and tariffs when you are serviced by Oncor, you must contact your retail energy provider directly. Please find here a list of energy providers in Texas.
In any case, a Transmission & Distribution Utility / Service Provider (TDU/TDSP) is only determined by location of residence. Switching from one utility company to another is therefore not possible unless one moves to another location covered by a different TDU/TDSP service area.
The charges originating from a TDU / TDSP (that are passed through a REP and onto consumers) are somewhat in the same ballpark but with an exception to Texas-New Mexico Power's exceptionally high monthly base fee and ¢/kWh energy rate:
TDU | TDU monthly base fee | TDU ¢/kWh energy rate |
AEP North | $3.57/mo | 3.0078¢/kWh |
Oncor Electric Delivery | $3.42/mo | 3.4928¢/kWh |
CenterPoint | $4.39/mo | 3.2669¢/kWh |
AEP Central | $4.27/mo | 3.7458¢/kWh |
TNMP | $7.85/mo | 4.0403¢/kWh |
Need financial assistance with paying utility bills?See what national and Texan Energy Assistance programs are available to help pay your electricity bill, the eligibility requirements, and how to apply!
Understanding your electricity bill
Oncor Electric Delivery does not issue your energy bill, only your retail electric provider does. The energy bill from your provider contains the TDSP / TDU delivery charges (a ¢/kWh rate plus a monthly base fee) set by Oncor and the supply charges owed to the retail provider for their service as an intermediary.
For any customer service enquiries regarding your energy bill, you must directly contact your chosen retail energy provider. Check out the list of energy providers in Texas to locate the customer service number for your provider specifically.
What is in your bill?For indepth information regarding bills and pricing, we have a thorough Electricity Bill breakdown to assist.