Service Classification for National Grid in New York State
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In the state of New York, the Service Classification for National Grid PSC 220 Rate Tariff Electric Service is divided according to the type of customer and the demand regime:
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Active rates:
Service Classification | Type of Customer |
S.C. 1 | Residential and Farm Service, All Territory |
S.C. 1-C | Residential and Farm Service - Optional Large Time-of-Use Rate, All Territory |
S.C. 2 | Small General Service, All Territory |
S.C. 3 | Large General Service, All Territory |
S.C. 3-A | Large General Service, Time-of-Use Rate, All Territory |
S.C. 4 | Untransformed Service to Customers Taking Replacement and/or Expansion Power from Niagara Project of the Power Authority of the State of New York, Defined Territory |
S.C. 6 | Purchase of Electric Energy and Capacity from Customers with Qualifying On-Site Generation Facilities, All Territory |
S.C. 7 | Sale of Standby Service to Customers With On-Site Generation Facilities, All Territory |
S.C. 12 | Special Contract Rates |
Canceled rates:
Service Classification | Type of Customer |
S.C. 1-A | Residential and Farm Service-Optional Time-of-Use Rate, All Territory |
S.C. 1-B | Residential and Farm Service-All Territory |
S.C. 1-H | Residential and Farm Service - Optional Rate, All Territory |
S.C. 3-B | Interruptible Electric Service, All Territory |
S.C. 3-C | Combined Firm and Interruptible Service, All Territory |
S.C. 5 | Combined 25 and 60 Hertz Service to Customers Taking Such Service as of August 31, 1957 of this Schedule |
S.C. 8 | Large General Service-Hourly Integrated Pricing |
S.C. 9 | Large General Service – Supplemental Hourly Integrated Pricing Program |
S.C. 10 | On-Site Generation Bypass Deferral Service |
S.C. 11 | Individually Negotiated Contract Rates |