News Page 2


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Although our cultures may be derivative of one another’s, when it comes to energy, there are some major differences. The key aspect to bear in mind…


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Energy Comparison: UK and US

Although our cultures may be derivative of one another’s, when it comes to energy, there are some major differences. The key aspect to bear in mind…

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Buyer beware: this is the official PUC website Shop. Compare. Choose. But what if it wasn't that easy? The Texas Public Utilities…
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Power to Choose...or Confuse?

Buyer beware: this is the official PUC website Shop. Compare. Choose. But what if it wasn't that easy? The Texas Public Utilities…

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Electricity customers received an early Christmas gift from the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) yesterday, when it ordered ComEd to reduce its rates for…
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Christmas Comes Early for ComEd Customers

Electricity customers received an early Christmas gift from the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) yesterday, when it ordered ComEd to reduce its rates for…

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Según la administración de energía estadounidense, el promedio de uso eléctrico en 2013 era más o menos 10,900 kilovatios al hora anualmente, casi 900 kWh al…


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5 Electrodomésticos Que Gastan Mucha Energía

Según la administración de energía estadounidense, el promedio de uso eléctrico en 2013 era más o menos 10,900 kilovatios al hora anualmente, casi 900 kWh al…

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PPL Electric Utilities has changed its Price to Compare, effective December 1st, 2015. The supply rate that residential customers who have chosen to purchase…
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PPL Electric Utilities Price to Compare Update: December, 2015

PPL Electric Utilities has changed its Price to Compare, effective December 1st, 2015. The supply rate that residential customers who have chosen to purchase…

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Today marks the beginning of COP21, the global climate talks that are taking place in Paris. Starting from today, the world's leaders will gather for two…


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COP21: A Primer

Today marks the beginning of COP21, the global climate talks that are taking place in Paris. Starting from today, the world's leaders will gather for two…

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With Thanksgiving just around the corner, many people are also gearing up for the next big event in the holiday season: Black Friday. Traditionally the day…
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How to Save Money On Black Friday

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, many people are also gearing up for the next big event in the holiday season: Black Friday. Traditionally the day…

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Ya mero llega el dia de accion de gracias! Quizás ya empezó a ver que será el menú para ese dia, quien serán los invitados, y quizás hasta como va decorar la…
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Cierto o Falso: Ahorrar dinero en electricidad durante dia de accion de gracias

Ya mero llega el dia de accion de gracias! Quizás ya empezó a ver que será el menú para ese dia, quien serán los invitados, y quizás hasta como va decorar la…

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Winter is coming! Fortunately, there's help if your energy bills are heating up as the temperature drops. We've rounded up the various winter…
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Utility Winter Assistance Help

Winter is coming! Fortunately, there's help if your energy bills are heating up as the temperature drops. We've rounded up the various winter…

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5 Maneras de Evitar el Frío Sin Pagar Tanto Por Los Calentones! (Paso a Paso)
Ya viene el invierno, y usted está empezando a pensar en las luces festivas para navidad, no olvide el árbol, luego el horno que va estar ocupado con todos sus…


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5 Maneras de Evitar el Frío Sin Pagar Tanto Por Los Calentones! (Paso a Paso)

Ya viene el invierno, y usted está empezando a pensar en las luces festivas para navidad, no olvide el árbol, luego el horno que va estar ocupado con todos sus…