Power to Choose in New York

You have the power of choice for your electricity supply in New York! Changes to the electricity markets in New York in 2002 have brought competition to electricity and natural gas supply, meaning that you have a choice energy supplier. Learn about New York Power to Choose here, and how choice can save you money on your energy bills.
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What is energy choice?
If you look at your energy bills, you will see that it can be broken down into two main parts: the cost of the energy itself, and the cost of delivering it to your home. The delivery portion of your bill goes to your local utility company, which is responsible for operating and maintaining the delivery networks that bring energy to your home. You don't have much control over this part of your bill, as you don't have a choice of utility company, and their prices are regulated.
But did you know that you have control over the rate you pay for your energy supply? The supply section of your bill is usually shown as the price per kilowatt-hour (for electricity), or per ccf/mcf (for natural gas). You can take control of your bills by taking a look at this portion, and seeing if it can't be beat by one of the many energy services companies (ESCO) that compete for your business in New York. ESCO offer a wider variety of energy rate options, including the possibility of green energy. Many are able to offer great deals that may be cheaper than what you would pay with your current utility or supplier.
What's so great about energy choice?
Competition in energy supply means many things, including:
- Convenience: choose a price type (fixed, variable, indexed) that works for you and your lifestyle
- Cheaper prices: many ESCOs offer great deals on energy rates that allow you to save money
- Better customer service: as smaller companies, many ESCOs are able to offer superior customer service quality
- Protect the environment: lower your carbon footprint by choosing an ESCO that offers renewable energy, and help support a cleaner environment
What is the New York State Public Service Commission?
The New York State Public Service Commission (NYSPSC) is the regulatory agency that oversees electricity and natural gas competition in the state. The NYSPSC certifies both electric and natural gas suppliers (ESCOs) and ensures that ESCOs have met the strict requirements for doing business in New York.
What is Power to Choose?
The New York Power to Choose is an online tool that New York consumers can use to compare energy options in the state. Hosted by the NYSPSC, it lists rate offers by ESCOs based on your zipcode, and also provides some informational resources on how to choose a supplier.
How is Callmepower different from New York Power to Choose?
New York Power to Choose is a great tool for comparing your energy options when shopping for energy. However, comparing prices is only the beginning when it comes to finding the rate that is best for you.
With Callmepower.com, you can find all the tools that you need for shopping for energy:
- Information resources: we explain everything you need to know as an energy consumer in New York, including what to do when you move in or move out, how to understand your utility bill, and most importantly, how to shop for energy in New York
- Supplier profiles: check out our independent and unbiased information about New York ESCOs, including reviews, how to contact them, and more
- Find the best rates in minutes: call us at phone currently not available to speak to an energy expert and find the best rate available in your area
Moving?We can help you activate service and find the best rate for your energy supply, all within minutes. Simply call us at phone currently not available to get started!