Contact Central Hudson Gas and Electric in New York State

You can get in touch with your local New York State utility company Central Hudson Gas & Electric in a number of ways, depending on the circumstance.
Customer Service Phone Numbers
Customer Service Number | Hours |
1-845-452-2700 | From 8 AM - 6 PM (Mon-Fri), & 9 AM - 1 PM (Sat) |
If calling from outside 845 area code: 1-800-527-2714 | From 8 AM - 6 PM (Mon-Fri), & 9 AM-1 PM (Sat) |
Speech or Hearing Impaired (TDD/TTY): 1-800-635-6315, or dial 711 | From 8 AM - 6 PM (Mon-Fri), & 9 AM-1 PM (Sat) |
Emergency Contact Information
In the case of a natural gas or electrical emergency, leave your home immediately and get to a safe place. Then call:
- Gas Emergencies: 1-800-942-8274
- Electricity Emergencies: 1-845-452-2700
Bill Pay Phone Number
Call the automated main customer service line at 1-845-452-2700, or 1-800-527-2714 if calling from outside 845 area code.
You can also use this number to report an outage, start or end service, and more.
Fax Number
Call Center Fax: 1-845-486-5658
Central Hudson offices
You can go in person to one of Central Hudson's locations to resolve any billing, or electricity and gas related service issues.
Office Locations |
7964 Route 9W, Catskill, NY 12414 |
25 Central Hudson Way, Fishkill, NY 12524 |
2001 Rt. 9W, Lake Katrine, NY 12449 |
610 Little Britain Road, New Windsor, NY 12553 |
Mailing Address
You can reach Central Hudson by mail at:
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp.
284 South Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Administrative Offices
Calling a specific person? You can reach Central Hudson's Administrative Offices at 1-845-452-2000 where you'll be transferred to the right person.
Contact the Central Hudson Supervisor
If you have issues that are unresolved after speaking with customer service, you may reach Paula Herring, Operating Supervisor Community Relations & Consumer Outreach, at 1-845-486-5636.
Further Concerns
You can reach out to one of the following people based on further concerns or questions you may have.
Name | Title & Concerns handled | Phone Number | Email Address |
Eileen Lomoriello | Operating Supervisor - Credit & Collections | 1-845-486-5283 | [email protected] |
Anthony Hannah | Call Center Operating Supervisor | 1-845-486-5410 | [email protected] |
Linda M. Harrison | Manager, Customer Account Services | 1-845-486-5623 | [email protected] |
Maureen Kverek | Director - Shareholder Relations & Records Management | 1-845-486-5383 | [email protected] |
Anthony Paul | Director of Security | 1-845-486-5502 | [email protected] |
Karen Lawson | Claims Adjuster - Utility Pole Damage Claims | 1-845-486-5389 | [email protected] |
Denise Doring VanBuren | Vice President of Public Relations - Reporter Inquiries and Media Relations | [email protected] | |
John E. Maserjian | Director of Media Relations | [email protected] |
Reporting Utility Theft
If you suspect someone is tampering with meters or stealing service, you can anonymously call Central Hudson's Crime Hotline at 1-877-728-3465.
Central Hudson Officers
You are also free to contact Central Hudson's officers and administration, though their direct contact information is not available.
Name | Title |
James P. Laurito | President & CEO |
Christopher M. Capone | Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Charles A. Freni | Senior Vice President - Customer Services |
Stacey A. Renner | Treasurer |
Paul E. Haering | Vice President-Engineering & System Operations |
Denise Doring VanBuren | Vice President of Public Relations |
Michael L. Mosher | Vice President - Regulatory Affairs |
Thomas C. Brocks | Vice President - Human Resources, Environmental, Health & Safety |
Joseph B. Koczko | General Counsel and Corporate Secretary |
Anthony S. Campagiorni | Vice President - Business Development and Governmental Affairs |
Paul A. Colbert | Associate General Counsel-Regulatory Affairs |
Joseph A. Croshier | Financial Controller |