Central Hudson Gas & Electric in New York State
The Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation is an electricity & gas utility company in New York State founded in 1900 in Newburgh, NY and based today in Poughkeepsie, NY.

Service Map

Contact Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Central Hudson Gas & Electric is headquartered at 284 South Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601.
You can reach Central Hudson Gas & Electric on the following numbers:
- For customer service (845)452-2700 (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Mon - Fri), 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Sat)).
- For emergency service (845) 452-2700 (24/7).
- By mail at the following postal address: 284 South Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601.
- By email at lharrison1@cenhud.com .
Payment by credit card over the phone on (845) 452-2700 is possible 24/7.
Understanding your Bill
For you to understand your Central Hudson bill, we have created page of detailed explanation of each part of your bill: Understanding your Bill.
Rates & Tariffs
For more information about rates and tariffs with Central Hudson, please click here: Rates & Tariffs.
Electric Supply Prices
For historical values of electricity supply prices. You will find here 2014 values for the price of the electricity supply. This will not be the whole electricity price on your bill. To this you must add the Merchant Function charge to get the total supply portion of your electricity bill. Then you must add the delivery portion (and the taxes) to obtain the total of your bill.f
Budget Billing
Budget billing is a method for the customers to spread out their bill equally over the year, in order to avoid irregular monthly bills, mostly caused by market and seasonal variations. To sign up, and for additional information, please visit our Central Hudson Budget Billing page.
Scope of Activity
Transmission & Distribution of Electricity
- Transmission: 629 miles of lines
- Distribution:
- 7,300 miles of overhead lines
- 1,400 miles of underground lines
- Customer service lines
- Meters
Transmission & Distribution of Gas
- Transmission: 164 miles of pipelines
- Distribution: 1,193 miles of pipelines
- Customer service lines
- meters
Area : 2,600 square miles
Electr ic customers: 300,000
Gas customers: 78,000
Peak Demand: 1,202 MW (July 18, 2013)
Number of employees: 1,388
2013 Revenue: $668M
The founders of Central Hudson started in 1900 by acquiring two companies (Newburgh Gas Company and Consolidated Gas, Electric, Light, Heat and Power Company) which provided electricity and gas to 5,000 customers located in Newburgh, New York. The merged company was called the Newburgh Light, Heat and Power Company. In 1902, a series of acquisitions were made and the company was called the Poughkeepsie Light, Heat and Power Company. By 1911, the mergers of the three utility companies in the area, Poughkeepsie Light, Heat and Power Company, Newburgh Light, Heat and Power Company, and Hudson Counties Gas and Electric Company formed the Central Hudson Gas and Electric Company.
In 1926, Central Hudson Gas and Electric Company merged with
- Dutchess Light, Heat and Power Company (serving the Rhinebeck area)
- The Upper Hudson Electric and Railroad Company (serving the area north of the Catskills)
- The Ulster Light, Heat and Power Company
- The Kingston Gas and Electric Company
- The United Hudson Electric Corporation (serving central and northern parts of Ulster County and the Catskill area).
This created the Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation.
After the Great Depression and World War II, Central Hudson started increasing its electric transmission lines, as well as building steam units and a hydro plant, and updating its gas system from manufactured gas to natural gas. It also acquired the Hudson Valley Gas Company in 1950. in 1967, Central Hudson acquired the property of the Ellenville Electric Company. This completed the geographic expansion and set the boundaries of the area in which the company operates its service today.
During the deregulation of the electricity and gas markets in the 1990's and beginning of the 2000's, Central Hudson sold its power-generating assets, and concentrated its activity purely on transmission and distribution of electricity and gas to their customers.
Central Hudson Gas & Electric is a power distribution company in USA. The registered office is located in :
284 South Avenue
12601 Poughkeepsie
Opening hours: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Mon - Fri), 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Sat)
Central Hudson Gas & Electric email contact: lharrison1@cenhud.com
Activate your account with Central Hudson Gas & Electric
You are moving and wish to activate your account with Central Hudson Gas & Electric? It’s simple. Call Central Hudson Gas & Electric by dialing and give :
- Your exact address (apt. no., street no., street name, city/town, zipcode).
- Your name.
- Date of required activation.
Speak with a customer service agent
Do you have a question related to a commercial issue? Call the Central Hudson Gas & Electric customer service by dialing . They can help you with questions such as you bill, rates, or the terms of your contract.
Phone number: 845-452-2700 / 845-452-2700
Pay your bill
When you activate your line and create an account in your name, Central Hudson Gas & Electric may ask you to pay your bills by several options:
- By automatic account transfer.
- Check sent by mail.
- Credit or debit card by telephone.
- Cash or card at an authorized payment office.