How Much Does Electricity Cost in the US in 2015?

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4 min reading

How much does electricity cost in the US in 2015? While the cost of electricity can vary depending on your area, how much power you use, your utility and/or your supplier, here we break down some of the statistics about the cost of energy in 2015.

Looking for ways to cut the cost of your energy? We've got tips for that too!

How Much Does Electricity Cost in the US?

The average price of electricity in the US in 2015 was projected to be 12.7 cents/kWh, according to the US Energy Information Administration. With the average US electricity consumption for a US household at 10,908 kWh per year, this means that the average cost of electricity per year for a household in the US is $1385.32, or about $115.44 per month.

The average cost of electricity in the US is about $115.44 per month

However, the price of electricity can change a lot depending on where you live, how much electricity you use, the time of year, or even the time of day.

Factors That Change the Price of Electricity
Factor How it Affects Electricity Prices
Your state's electricity mix Each state has its own unique electricity mix; each generation source produces electricity at different prices
Your community Rural communities tend to pay more for electricity than those in urban areas, as the costs of delivering electricity are higher
States and local governments also have different taxation policies
How much electricity you use per month Depending on where you live, you may be charged different rates depending on your consumption. In general, the more electricity you use, the lower rate you pay.
The time of year Electricity prices tend to rise in the summer and in the winter, when electricity use (for heating and cooling) is highest
The time of day If you are on a time of use rate, the price of electricity may change depending on the time of day. On a daily basis, electricity prices tend to be lowest at night, and highest during the late afternoon/early evening
Weather Sometimes extreme weather may increase demand or cut supply availability, both of which can cause prices to jump

Looking to lock in a fixed rate? Call us at phone currently not available to find the best rates available in your area

Regional differences in electricity prices

As you can see, the price of electricity in the United States changes depending on the region.

Average price of electricity by region, June 2015
Region Average Electricity Price
New England 19.71 cents/kWh
Middle Atlantic 16.53 cents/kWh
East North Central 13.13 cents/kWh
West North Central 12.73 cents/kWh
South Atlantic 11.98 cents/kWh
East South Central 11.03 cents/kWh
West South Central 11.19 cents/kWh
Mountain 12.39 cents/kWh
Pacific Contiguous 14.74 cents/kWh
Pacific Noncontiguous 26.68 cents/kWh

Source: US EIA, 2015

Average per kWh Electricity Prices by State

average prices of electricity by state

Source: US EIA, 2015

Here is a breakdown of the average price of electricity for residential customers in June 2015 by state:

Average June 2015 Retail Electricity Prices by State
State cents per kWh
Louisiana 9.27
Washington 9.38
Idaho 10.04
Kentucky 10.06
Oklahoma 10.29
Arkansas 10.36
Tennessee 10.44
West Virginia 10.47
Oregon 10.94
North Carolina 11.11
Utah 11.34
Wyoming 11.39
Indiana 11.44
Montana 11.57
North Dakota 11.61
South Dakota 11.62
Florida 11.71
Mississippi 11.78
Virginia 11.81
Texas 11.86
Alabama 12.01
Nebraska 12.05
Georgia 12.28
Colorado 12.46
South Carolina 12.52
Illinois 12.54
District of Columbia 12.68
Missouri 12.69
Kansas 12.72
Arizona 12.74
Ohio 13.03
Minnesota 13.06
Nevada 13.13
New Mexico 13.13
Iowa 13.44
Delaware 14.02
Pennsylvania 14.40
Michigan 14.66
Maryland 14.66
Wisconsin 15.21
Maine 15.84
New Jersey 16.43
California 17.21
Vermont 17.39
Rhode Island 18.32
New Hampshire 18.72
New York 18.81
Massachusetts 19.52
New England 19.71
Alaska 21.06
Connecticut 22.52
Hawaii 30.39

Source: UES EIA, 2015

How much does electricity cost per person?

With average consumption at 10,908 kWh per household per year, and with an average of 2.63 people per household, we estimate the average electricity consumption per person in the US to be about 4147.53 kWh per year, which works out to $526.74 per person.

How much does electricity cost for a house?

How much electricity your house uses, and its cost depends on multiple factors, including:

  • The price of electricity in your state
  • Your geographical location (how hot, cold, humid, or dry your area is)
  • How large your home is
  • How many people live in your home
  • The age of your home/how well-insulated it is
  • How many electrical appliances you use on a regular basis

If you are looking to reduce your home's electricity costs, we recommend that you consider having an energy audit done on your home, to see how you can maximise your home's energy efficiency and minimise your energy bills.

Want more detailed information about your home's energy consumption?Consider installing a whole-house energy monitoring system, which can provide detailed data on your home's energy use. The monitors are often installed directly in the main breaker panel of the home. Keep in mind that they may require an electrician to install. Some monitors must be connected with your home's wifi network, allowing you to access data from your computer or smartphone, while others come with a dedicated display.

How much does electricity cost for a one bedroom apartment?

Some estimate the cost of electricity for a one bedroom apartment being as little as $30/month, or as high as $100. Again, it all depends on several factors:

  • How many people live in the apartment
  • How much time they spend at home
  • The number of electrical appliances used
  • How well-insulated the apartment is
  • The climate where you live
  • The price of electricity in your state

How to Save Money on Electricity Bills

The most effective way to save money on your electricity bills is to reduce your overall electricity consumption. You can do this by following some of our tips on conserving energy. Our top tips include:

  • Learn how to use your heating and cooling systems wisely - heating and cooling typically makes up about half of your energy bills, so some small changes can make bigger impacts
  • Switch  to washing laundry with cold water - as much as 90% of energy used to wash your clothes goes toward heating the water
  • Consider updating your old appliances with ENERGY STAR models

Another thing you can do is to take a look at the price that you're currently paying for your energy and see if it can't be beat by the competition. Depending on where you live, you may have a choice of energy supplier. Alternate energy suppliers offer a wide variety of rate options, including many good deals! Call us at phone currently not available to find the best rates available in your area.