Starting or Cancelling Energy Service When Moving in New York State
Moving in to a new home or out of an old one in New York state? We detail how to handle your energy service below.
If you want to start service with your utility company, contact them 5 days before moving in with this information:
- Name
- New address
- Planned move in date
- Social security number
- Date of birth
- Phone number or email
Check below for further information about moving in/out:
Select Your Utility
The process to start or stop service varies based on your local provider. Select your utility below and whether you are moving in or out.
Utility | Service | |
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Central Hudson | |
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ConEdison | |
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PSEG Long Island | |
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National Fuel | |
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National Grid | |
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New York State Electricity & Gas (NYSEG) | |
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Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E) | |
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Orange & Rockland |
Starting Service
Though it varies based on your utility, there are some similiarities in the processes to turn on electricity and natural gas in New York state.
Though the length of time varies on your utility, most companies require that you call their customer service line around 5-7 days in advance before your move in date in order to ensure that your service is turned on in time.
You will need to provide information to open your new energy account, which may include:
- Name
- New address
- Planned move in date
- Social security number
- Date of birth
- Phone number or email
- Type of lease if rental
If Service Has Been Shut Off

It may take longer to open your account based on whether electricity or gas service to your new home has been turned off since the prior resident left. If this is the case, your utility company will need to send a technician out to your home to get a meter reading or activate service in person. This depends on technician availability. The delay to start service in your home cannot be expedited, and usually takes around 5 business days.
If you believe there may be a problem with your home's electricity or gas service, utilities usually advise that you call as soon as possible before your move-in date.
Default Rates with your Local Utility
Normally you will be put onto a variable rate plan with your local utility. This means the price you pay for electricity per kilowatt-hour or for natural gas per therm or cubic foot changes each month mostly based on market prices, but also delivery costs, and administrative costs. The New York Public Service Commission (NYPSC) regulates utility rates, so any change to your electricity or gas bill must be approved by the NYPSC.
Choosing an Alternate Energy Service Company (ESCO)
New York state residents have the option to choose an ESCO for the supply of their electricity or natural gas.
Normally, your utility will take care of both delivery (or the costs associated with getting energy to your home and maintaining infrastructure) and supply (or the actual cost of the energy you consume and customer service). If you choose an ESCO, your local utility will still be in charge of delivery costs. Your new ESCO however will take care of all charges related to supply - and this is where you can save on your energy bills.
You may receive two bills after switching to an ESCO - one for your delivery charges from your local utility, and one covering supply costs from your ESCO.
Picking an Energy Plan
Normally, your utility offers only variable rate options. With an alternate ESCO, you may be able to choose between variable and fixed rate plans. On fixed rate plans, the rate you pay for electricity per kilowatt-hour or for natural gas per therm or cubic foot remains the same for your entire contract period. This can shelter consumers from fluctuations in the markets for energy - helping them to save money in the process.
In general, we recommend the following fixed-rate contract lengths:
- Natural Gas: 12 months or less
- Electricity: 18 months or more
We do not recommend variable rate plans with ESCOs. New York state does not regulate ESCO rates, so variable rates can end up being much more expensive than your local utility.
Terminating Service
To cancel electricity and natural gas, you will need to have the following information handy before calling your utility's customer service line:
- Utility account number
- Planned move-out date
You may be asked for your social security number for verification purposes.
To terminate your electricity service, you will need to call approximately 3-5 business days in advance to ensure you are not billed for extra time. This process can usually be completed over the phone.
Natural Gas
For natural gas, a technician will need to come to your home to get a final reading to ensure that you are charged the correct amount for your final bill. Most companies recommend calling at least 3-5 business days in advance of your move out date to be sure that a technician will be available.
Transferring Utility Service
If you are moving to a new home in New York state within your utility's service area, you can end your current service and start it up in your new home during the same call. In order to be sure that your new home's service is turned on in time, be sure to call your utility's customer service line at least 5-7 days in advance.
You will usually need to provide your utility with the following information:
- Utility account number
- Any changes to your account information
- Planned move-out date
- New address and planned move-in date
Be sure to have your social security number available, because it may be needed to verify your identity.
Transferring or Terminating your ESCO Plan

If you would like to terminate your ESCO plan when you move out, you will not need to take any extra steps. Your plan will automatically be cancelled when you close your utility account. However, there may be early cancellation fees on your ESCO contract. Many ESCOs allow you to avoid termination fees if you provide proof of your move. Be sure to look into your ESCO's contract terms before cancelling.
Many ESCOs also allow you to transfer your service, if you are happy with your service. You will need to call your ESCO to verify that your new home is also in their service area. Transferring your account can usually be done over the phone.